프로젝트 설명
중심정맥 카테터 키트
single lumen 14Ga/16Ga
single lumen 18Ga/20Ga
single lumen 22Ga/24Ga
double lumen 7Fr/8Fr
double lumen 8.5Fr
double lumen 4Fr/5Fr
triple lumen 7Fr
triple lumen 4.5Fr /5.5Fr
triple lumen 8.5Fr
Quad lumen 8.5Fr
Central Venous Catheter Set is used for catheterization of the superior vena cava using the seldinger technique in long-term infusion therapy or parenteral nutrition, application of highly osmolar or greatly vein-irritating solutions, for intermittent or continuous monitoring of venous pressure, for blood sampling.
Standard Kits include:
1.Central Venous Catheter
3.Vessel Dilator
5.Fastener:Catheter Clamp
6.Introducer Needle
7.Introducer Syringe
8.Injection Needle
9.Injection Cap
Optional Compound Kits include:
1.Central Venous Catheter Standard Kit Accessories
2.5ml Syringe
3.Surgical Gloves
4.Surgical Pledget
5.Surgery Sheet
6.Surgery Towel
7.Sterile Brush
8.Gauze Pad
9.Suture of Needle
10.Wound Dressing
A movable clamp allows anchorage at the puncture site regardless of the depth of the catheter, which minimizes trauma and irritation to the puncturing site. Depth marking assists in accurate placement of central venous catheter from the right or left subclavian or jugular vein. Soft tip reduces trauma to the vessel, minimizing vessel erosion, hemothorax, and cardiac tamponade. Single, double, triple, and quad lumen are available for choice.
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